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communication strategies, achievement strategies, speaking tasks, difficulties , stratégies de communication, stratégies de réalisation, tâches d’expression, difficultés , استراتيجيات التواصل، استراتيجيات الٳنجاز، تمارين شفهية، الصعوبات (1)
Dictionnaire, Langue française, Lexique, Lexicographie, Néologisme(S), Archaïsme(S) , Dictionary, French language, Lexicon, Lexicography, Neologism, Archaism , القاموس، اللغة لفرنسية، المعجم، علم المعاجم، الاستحداث، الأثرية (1)
Discours oral, analyse du discours, visée argumentative, modalisateurs, analyse argumentative , We notice that the student of French as a foreign language is incapable to analyze a speech produced in a real situation, without resorting to reformulations of the same speech. Our concern, through this modest contribution, is to allow the student to exploit his theoretical knowledge and his communicative skills by means of discourse analysis. We make use of one of the speeches of the islamologue Tariq Ramadan, as being an authentic oral corpus, to apply the techniques of discourse analysis and to study its argumentative aim. To return to education/ learning of French as foreign language with its professional and social utility, it seems that the integration of discourse analysis into this process would be the ideal way since it promotes the application of various theories, which focus on the language as the main object of study, to give meaning , speech oral, discourse analysis, aimed argumentative, modalities, argumentative analysis , خطاب شفاهي، تحليل الخطاب جدلي المدللين، تحليل جدلي، هدف (1)
Gender gap, learners’ gender, academic achievements, BEM exam, case study , l’écart entre les deux sexes, sexe des apprenants, résultats scolaires, BEM, étude de cas , الفجوة بين الجنسين، جنس المتعلمين، النتائج الدراسية، امتحان شهادة التعليم المتوسط، دراسة عينة (1)
Hicham Charabi, Critique, Civilisation, Idéologie, Marxiste, Psychanalyse, Système patriarcal. (1)
Hisham Charabi, civilizational criticism, Marxist Ideology, Psycho Analysis, Patriarchal system (1)
Human, Anthropological Status, Fragmentation of knowledge, Interdisciplinary, Anthropocentrism. (1)
Intelligence, Intelligence logique, Intelligence mathématique, Cycle secondaire, Elèves scientifiques. (1)
Intelligence, logical intelligence, Mathematical intelligence, Secondary grade, scientific students. (1)
l'homme, le statut anthropologique, la fragmentation de la connaissance, l’interdisciplinarité, l’anthropocentrisme l’interdisciplinarité, l’anthropocentrisme. (1)

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