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Proverb use between cognition and tradition in English,French,Arabic and Kbyle

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dc.contributor.author Belkhir, Sadia
dc.date.accessioned 2015-06-17T08:02:25Z
dc.date.available 2015-06-17T08:02:25Z
dc.date.issued 2015
dc.identifier.uri http://hdl.handle.net/setif2/288
dc.description.abstract Research on metaphor in cognition and culture has revealed that conceptual metaphors vary across languages and cultures under the influence of cultural features. The present dissertation offers a cross-cultural cognitive study of some animal-related proverbs in English, French, Arabic, and Kabyle. Its main objective is to explore the socio-cultural influences upon conceptual domain mappings characterizing the HUMAN BEHAVIOUR IS ANIMAL BEHAVIOUR conceptual metaphor and upon the metaphoric use of animals in the proverbs of the four languages and cultures. To meet this objective, we refer to both the Conceptual Metaphor Theory (CMT) and its improved version the Cultural Cognitive Theory of metaphor (CCT). Then, relying on contrastive analysis, on corpora including dog, ass, ox, and camel proverbs, and on cultural representations of animals, we contrast conceptual domain mappings. We also contrast the characterization of animals in the proverbs in order to verify both the adequacy of CMT’s embodiment hypothesis in the treatment of conceptual domain mappings involved in animal metaphors and the sufficiency of CMT’s Great Chain of Being Metaphor theory for the comprehensive study of the metaphoric use of animals in the proverbs across the four languages. The results of the study show that conceptual domain mappings vary across the four languages and cultures due to cultural influences. In addition, culture-specific features mould the metaphoric use of animals in the proverbs. These results reveal that CCT performs better than CMT does in the study of metaphoric proverbs across English, French, Arabic, and Kabyle..................................................................................................Les études effectuées sur la métaphore dans la cognition et la culture ont démontré que les métaphores conceptuelles varient à travers les langues et les cultures sous l’influence de caractéristiques culturelles. La présente dissertation offre une étude culturelle et cognitive de quelques proverbes animaliers en anglais, français, arabe, et Kabyle. Son objectif est d’explorer les influences socioculturelles que subissent les correspondances de domaines conceptuels caractérisant la métaphore conceptuelle LE COMPORTEMENT HUMAIN EST LE COMPORTEMENT ANIMAL ainsi que l’utilisation métaphorique des animaux dans les proverbes. Pour atteindre notre objective, nous nous réfèreront à la théorie de la métaphore conceptuelle et la théorie culturelle et cognitive de la métaphore. En nous basant sur des recueils de proverbes de chien, âne, bœuf, et chameau ainsi que les représentations culturelles des animaux, nous comparons les correspondances de domaines conceptuels et l’utilisation des animaux dans les proverbes. Les résultats démontrent que les correspondances de domaines conceptuels et l’utilisation des animaux sont influencées par des aspects culturellement spécifiques. en_US
dc.language.iso other en_US
dc.subject Metaphor. Cognition. Culture. Cross-cultural variation. Conceptual domain mappings. Metaphoric use of animals. Proverbs. English. French, Arabic. Kabyle. en_US
dc.title Proverb use between cognition and tradition in English,French,Arabic and Kbyle en_US
dc.type Thesis en_US

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