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Parcourir Faculté de droit et sciences politiques par sujet "The environment. The right to the environment Legalization of the right to the environment. Guarantees of preservation of the right to the environment. right to access environmental information. right to environmental participation. Right of access to justice in environmental matters. Fundamental rights of the environment. Right to water. Right to clean air. Right to maintain the environmental balance. Right to pure water"

Parcourir Faculté de droit et sciences politiques par sujet "The environment. The right to the environment Legalization of the right to the environment. Guarantees of preservation of the right to the environment. right to access environmental information. right to environmental participation. Right of access to justice in environmental matters. Fundamental rights of the environment. Right to water. Right to clean air. Right to maintain the environmental balance. Right to pure water"

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  • مهني, وردة (2019)
    خلال النصف الثاني من القرن العشرين مثلت التطورات العلمية و التكنولوجية ذات التقنية المتقدمة قاعدة رئيسية لتشكل حالة جديدة من الحضارة الإنسانية، تمثلت في انجازات مهمة في وسائل الاتصال و ثورة المعلومات إلا انها في الوقت نفسه ...

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