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Item أثر اضطراب مفهوم المكان والزمان على ظهور عسر القراءة عند الطفل المتمدرس(2014-12-15) خرباش, هدى; تزكرات, عبد الناصرThe present article seeks to shed light on the levels of disruptions in both spatial and temporal concepts in children with dyslexia through presenting the results of a descriptive case field study conducted on the third and fourth year primary pupils, and for this purpose we adapted the scale of the concept of place and time and applied it to the study sample. In the light of the results obtained, we find that pupils who are insolvent in reading show a disturbing level in temporal and spatial concepts which may not qualify them to study normally and requires special sponsorship to achieve appropriate academic compatibility.Item واقع و مستقبل علم النفس في الجزائر– موضوعاته و منهجياته-(2014-12-15) سمايلي, محمودThe application of psychology with its branches in the arab societies is facing several difficulties on both approaches the subject and the method. This science has confronted challenge which made complex adaptation. According to some searchers, mainly, Arabs found that this science is used without taking consideration its historical situations or factors. Algeria is also facing that kind of difficulty in the application of science. But it achieved no good results. Thus, the necessity to find urgent ways and means is so important for both the individual and the Algerian society.Item السياسة الخارجية الألمانية تجاه بلجيكا إثناء الحرب العالمية الأولى 1914-1918م(2014-12-15) ميثاق بيات, عبد ألضيفيThe Count von Schleven discussed the strategy to be followed in order to achieve the desired German goals by occupying France since 1905. It emphasized several military options and found that the best and most appropriate way for the German army was to pass Belgium to France. Helmuth von Moltke puts his predecessor's ideas into practice Belgium's geographic position made it the main site of World War I battles. On August 7, 1914, the German army attacked Fortrice Lake, Belgium's main gateway. Two months later, the Germans completed the occupation of all Belgian territory. At the time, the German government did not have a clear and specific occupation strategy in place in Belgium. It had several options: the full integration of Belgium; the second was the complete withdrawal; and the third option was a kind of economic union through German domination of the Belgian economy And the exploitation of the Belgian industry, either the fourth and last option was to retain the status of Belgium as an independent state as it was before the outbreak of war with the imposition of some restrictions to ensure its future loyalty to Germany. Each option was behind a certain group of influential in Germany as army commanders and politicians Industry. It is noteworthy that the Belgian people, although under the pressure of the German policy unstable and influenced by German, British and French propaganda, but retained its political and social unity despite the attempt of the Germans to break up the national unity through the use of the policy of administrative division and granting Belgians of German origin, Flemish)) set of privileges. In an attempt to exploit Belgium to the fullest extent in support of the German war effort, the Germans used their superior financial resources to formulate economic ties between the two countries, but Germany did not respect Belgium's sovereignty or neutrality. After the occupation, the forces controlling Germany were the same as Belgium.Item تنمية المجتمع ودور الجامعة الجزائرية : تحديات الواقع ومتطلبات المستقبل رؤى نظرية(2014-12-15) صحراوي, عبد الله; شبوح, نجاةتستهدف الدراسة استكشاف فرص الاستفادة من التطورات الدولية المعاصرة في تحديث رسالة الجامعة الجزائرية وتوسيع آفاقها في عملية التنمية البشرية و المادية ،ولتصبح هذه الأدوار أكثر فعالية في تنمية المجتمع ،بشكل يجعل من الجامعة الآلية الأفضل للحراك الاجتماعي والإصلاح الاقتصادي والتنموي في انطلاقا من رؤية للجامعة تتحدد من كونها مصدر قوة المجتمع ومركز إشعاعه الثقافي والعلمي والحضاري، تجسد رسالتها غايات الوطن ومتطلبات تنميته، و تمده بالطاقات البشرية المؤهلة لتدوير عجلة التطوير و التنمية. ومن منظور وطني تبرز مسئولية جامعاتنا في الاستجابة لأعباء وتحديات بناء وتأهيل الأفراد للقرن الحادي والعشرين ،بما يعينه ذلك من تحديث للقيم والرؤى وما يفرضه من متطلبات للتوفيق بين اعتبارات التنمية الوطنية ،وتكلفة الانفتاح علي قيم عصر العولمة والمعلوماتية والتعايش معهما والاستفادة من فرصهما ،فضلا عن متطلبات التعامل مع تحديات التنمية والانبعاث الحضاري في أبعادهما الشاملة.... وعلي المستوي الدولي تزداد الدوائر والمسؤوليات تداخلاً وتعقيداً في ظل تنامي مشكلة التنافس والهيمنة المعرفية والتكنولوجية ،وما يفرضه من تبعات ومسؤوليات علي الجامعات الجزائرية ،ليس فقط نحو تأهيل الأفراد لأدوارهم المجتمعية بما يضمن دفع عجلة التنمية والخروج من دوائر التبعية الاقتصادية والثقافية ،بل يتعلق الأمر بدور ومسئولية الجامعة في إنتاج المعرفة وإعادة تدويرها واستغلال التقدم التكنولوجي لخدمة المجتمع ومشاريعه التنموية والمساهمة بإيجابية في صياغة رؤى واستراتيجيات وطنية للتعامل مع شبكة التفاعلات الاقليمية والدولية بما يزيد من فرص وعوائد الموارد البشرية الوطنية تكوينا وتأهيلاItem التنميط الجنسي للأدوار في الثقافة الجزائرية "دراسة ميدانية على الأطفال"(2014-12-15) بوعبد الله, لحسنThe present research aims to determine to which extent the variable of the mother's job influences the development of sexual profiling of roles in both boys and girls between 6 and 9 years of age using sex roles. The test consists of a classification of 12 items representing a group of activities for adults, and a group of games for young people in the form of drawings submitted to the examinees to classify them as males, females, and for both sexes. To treat the information statistically, K2 test was used to examine if there existed significant differences with respect to sex and age variables, and the mother's age. As a result, we found no differences except in the age variable and in a few itemsItem حماية الاقتصاد الرّقمي بين السّياسة الجنائية والمواطنة الرّقمية(2014-12-15) ناني, نبيلة; ناني, لحسنThe present research aims to determine to which extent the variable of the mother's job influences the development of sexual profiling of roles in both boys and girls between 6 and 9 years of age using sex roles. The test consists of a classification of 12 items representing a group of activities for adults, and a group of games for young people in the form of drawings submitted to the examinees to classify them as males, females, and for both sexes. To treat the information statistically, K2 test was used to examine if there existed significant differences with respect to sex and age variables, and the mother's age. As a result, we found no differences except in the age variable and in a few items.Item التحديات التي تواجه الأرغونوميا في القرن الحادي والعشرين(2014-12-15) مقداد, محمدAbstract: Argonomia is defined by the International Society of Argonomia as the science which studies the relationship between man and machine. It originated in the middle of the last century after Second World War. Since its emergence, it has been trying to adapt the machine to man, and not vice versa. Previously, argonomia, has been effectively dealt with problems related to adapting the machine to humans. However, in recent years, some of the challenges affecting work and human use of the machine have begun to emerge. These problems are not specific to a particular country, but to the countries of the entire world, especially the developing countries. Thus, argonomia must deal with these new challenges within its overall objective of adapting work to man. I believe that the most important new challenges ; such as, obesity, old age, human frontiers and emerging technologies, that argonomia must deal with are not only in the Arab Gulf countries, but in all countries of the world as well. With regard to obesity, countries in the world, especially the ones with high annual income, are experiencing a high prevalence of obesity among people who include almost all age groups: children, the Young, and the Old. In terms of old age, countries in the world are experiencing a growth in the number of old people, so that the number sometimes exceeded that one of children. In regard to human perspectives, argonomia should benefit from the development of the desire to increase human capacities, and to minimize borders. If taking some drugs will make athletes achieve sport achievements that would not have been achieved without being addressed, why other sectors of the work should not take advantage of such drugs which increases the job’s ability and reduces the limits. As for emerging technologies, they witness tremendous development and widespread in various areas of life. It has not only spread quantitatively, but has also become more qualitative; as it has become increasingly complex and has increased its operational and control requirements. It requires high levels of mental effort and has not required the amount of intellectual effort required nowadays. This is what the present paper is trying to highlight.