علاقة الظغط النفسي بالاغتراب النفسي لدى خرجي الجامعة العاملين بعقود ما قبل التشغيل

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لقد استهدفت هذه الدراسة التعرف على نوعية العلاقة التي تربط الضغط النفسي,وكل بعد من أبعاده,بالاغتراب النفسي لدى فئة من خريجي الجامعات المستفيدين من احد البرامج العلمية محددة المدة,و الذي يسمى برنامج إدماجي حاملي الشهادات (س إ د) أو ما يعرف عقود ما قبل التشغيل,و الذي يعتبر احد الأساليب المقترحة لامتصاص البطالة عند الإطارات الجزائرية الجامعية. كما حاولت هذه الدراسة التحقق من مدى تشابه,واختلاف ,كل من الضغط النفسي و الاغتراب النفسي عند افراد العينة ,وفقا لمتغيري :مدة البطالة (اقل من عامين –عامين فاكثر),وتفعيل التخصص العلمي (يعمل في ميدان تخصصه –يعمل خارج ميدان تخصصه). وقد استدعى ذلك ,اجراء دراسة استطلاعية ’لحصر المواقف الضاغطة و مؤشرات الاغتراب النفسي الاكثر تواترا عند هذه الفئة من الافراد. و لتحقيق هذه الاهداف استخدمت الباحثة مقياسين احدهما مقياس للضغط النفسي و الاخر مقياس للاغتراب النفسي. وبعد إتمام الإجراءات السيكومترية الضرورية,تم تطبيقها على عينة الدراسة المكونة من 220 فردا متواجدين في مؤسسات متباينة(مدارس,ثانويات ,اكماليات ,وحدات صحية,مراكز التكوين المهني....) و بعد جمع البيانات ,تم وصفها و مقارنتها وفقا لمتغيري الدراسة,كما تمت معالجة فرضيات البحث باستخدام الأساليب الإحصائية المناسبة لكل منها. و قد اسفرت هذه الدراسة عن العديد من النتائج من بينها: -ان العلاقة بين الضغط النفسي و الاغتراب النفسي ,و بين كل بعد من ابعاد الضغط النفسي و الاغتراب النفسي علاقة ارتباطية موجبة. -انه كلما زادت مدة البطالة ,كلما ارتفع مستوى الضغط النفسي ,و ازداد الشعور بالاغتراب النفسي و الاغتراب النفسي لدى خريجي الجامعة العاملين بعقود ما قبل التشغيل ,ويعني :يرتفع مستوى الضغط النفسي , ويزداد الشعور بالاغتراب النفسي بازدياد مدة البطالة. -انه يرتفع مستوى الضغط النفسي ,و يزداد الشعور بالاغتراب النفسي عند افراد العينة الذين يعملون خارج ميدان تخصصهم,و يتناقص عند افراد العينة الذين يعملون في ميدان تخصصهم............................................................................................................................................. -This study shed light on the most frequent sources of pressure (prevalent) And stir stress to the university graduates contract workers pre-operating, As well as on the three indicators reveal a psychological phenomenon of alienation they have As part of a recognition on the quality of the relationship between emotional stress and each of the dimensions of psychological alienation in this category- and It is our goal of the study-Add to know both of the variables (Period of unemployment, Activation of Specialization) In causing differences in stress and psychological alienation for them. The inquiries of the study focused on: 1- Is there a correlation between stress and psychological alienation between members of the sample? 2- Is there a correlation between each dimension of psychological pressure on the one hand and psychological alienation on the other? 3-Does the level of stress rises for the members of the sample when the period of theirunemployment increases? 4-Does the level of the stress rise for the members who are working out the framework of Specialization than the members which are working in their Specializations. 5-Does the level of the stress raise for members which the period of their unemployment is less than two years and they are working in their Specializations. 6-Does the level of the stress increase for the members whom the period of their unemployment is two years or less and they are working out of their Specializations than the members which the period of their unemployment is two years or more and they are working in their Specializations? 7- Does the level of stress for individuals who for two years and more are unemployment and work outside their area of specialization from its level for individuals who are working in their field? 8- Does the level of psychological alienation of the sample differ at increasing the duration of unemployment? 9- Does the level of psychological alienation of individuals who are working outside their area of specialization differ from its level in individuals who are working in their field. 10- Does the level of stress and distress to individuals who have least the length of unemployment for two years and work outside their area of specialization differfrom its level in individuals who are working in their field? To answer all these questions, the researcher developed suitable suppositions for it: Starting from the goals of the study and the data which we want to reach, the researcher uses Descriptive approach which is the best one. And relied in the study on two scales which are: - Scale stress (prepared by the researcher) Consists of 5 axes by 46 phrases. - Scale of psychological alienation (prepared by MOHAMED ABBAS YOUCEF) consists of 03 axes by 72 phrases. Each of the two scales has undergone to several methodological. The sample of the study included 451 individuals, they were chosen randomly, among them: 231 individuals as a part of exploratory research sample (20 individuals to make the personal interview, 136 to apply the search form of the scale stress construction, 30 individuals to calculate the stability of scale of stress and 45 to calculate the stability of the scale of Psychological alienation) 220 individuals as the basic sample of the research which takes into account the variables of duration of the unemployment and Activation of Specialization by equality. And to treat the Hypotheses, the researcher used several Statistical methods according to each hypothesis feature, represented in: - Equation of correlation Birson - Equation T test , between two disconnected moderates and two equals’ samples. *and the conclusions drawn have pointed to: 1- There is a positive correlation between the stress and the alienation for the individuals of the sample. 2- There is a positive correlation between each dimension of psychological pressure on one way and psychological alienation on the other way. 3- The level of the stress increases for the individuals of the sample by the increase of the unemployment duration. 4- - The level of the stress increases for the individualswho are working outside their area of specialization from its level in individuals who are working in their field. 5- The level of the stress increases for the individuals whom the period of their unemployment is two years or less and they are working out of their Specializations than the members which the period of their unemployment is two years or more and they are working in their Specializations. 6- The level of the stress increases for the individualswhom the period of their unemployment is two years and more are unemployment and work outside their area of specialization from its level for individuals who are working in their field. 7- The level of psychological alienation of the sample increases at increasing the duration of unemployment. 8- The level of psychological alienation of individuals who are working outside their area of specialization increases from its level in individuals who are working in their field. 9- The level of psychological alienation to individuals who have least the length of unemployment for two years and work outside their area of specialization increases from its level in individuals who are working in their field. 10-The level of psychological alienation don’t increase for the individuals whom the period of their unemployment is two years and morethey are working out of their Specializations than the members which the period of their unemployment is two years or more and they are working in their Specializations.
علاقة الظغط النفسي بالاغتراب النفسي